Waste & Resources Action Programme

WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) works with businesses, individuals and communities to help them reap the benefits of reducing waste, developing sustainable products and using resources in an efficiency way.

Established as a not-for profit-company in 2000, WRAP is backed by funding from all the UK governments in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and from the European Union.

WRAP developed the Recycle Now and Love Food Hate Waste initiatives. These aim to help businesses, local authorities, community groups and individuals recycle and resue more, and reduce food waste.

Over recent years it has also brokered a number of voluntary agreements with business including: • The construction sector – more than 700 companies have pledged to halve their waste to landfill by 2012 • The retail sector – through the Courtauld Commitment food and drink organisations are working together to reduce packaging waste. The sector is also seeking to reduce food waste, water usage and the use of materials in manufacturing and processing.

WRAP provides a resource efficiency helpline to answer questions about how to cut waste and recycle more – Freephone 0808 100 2040.

See also


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